Our Office

12 Via Copernico
Milano, Lombardia, 20125


Tel +390287286050

Mobile +393455787399


Do you want more information?

Contact us to receive further information about us and our services, the first advise on a specific topic will be free.

We are a network of experts specialized in different markets and services. We're organized like boutiques of excellence with the aim to support successful ides and projects.

If you want a copy of my book: “La vita che indosso” with a special autograph dedication, write me the text in the “Message” box.




Would you collaborate with us?

We are a network of experts specialized in different markets and services. We're organized like boutiques of excellence with the aim to support successful ides and projects. Contact us to receive furher information about us and our services. If you want to collaborate and become a member of this hub of excellence, contact us.  

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